Danu, also known as Anu or Dana, is the Celtic mother goddess associated with fertility, abundance, and wisdom. Her name was borne by the legendary Tuatha Dé Danann (“People of the Goddess Danu”), the Irish company of gods, who may be considered either as distinct individuals or as extensions of the goddess and who survive in Irish lore as the fairy folk, skilled in magic. We chose this maple black tea for her because of the Celtic tradition of tree magic and the tradition that maple trees were consecrated to the goddess Danu.
Tradition: Celtic
Tasting Notes: maple, cinnamon, smooth
Ingredients: black tea, dehydrated maple syrup, cinnamon pieces, cinnamon rods, flavoring, popcorn, and white cornflower blossoms
Recommended Reading: The Mammoth Book of Celtic Myths and Legends by Peter Berresford Ellis and The Mabinogion by Sioned Davies